So I finally decide to join the bloggers of the world. I feel like it's a good thing to get involved in, if I want any chance of a writing career. I feel like this was something I would have done when I was younger when I first got my computer. Actually, I am pretty sure I did the whole Xanga craze when that unfolded. I don't really expect anybody I know to read this, but maybe they will. I guess I should make sure I don't write anything too horrific about anybody...
It's funny how technology has become such a part of today's society. I remember when our family did get that first computer. I was in 7th grade. Prior to this, I had spent almost every summer shut in my tiny house with books from the library up the street. I miss being able to do this.
Once we got the computer, my trips to the library were less frequent. It was fun trying to learn how to navigate the web and trying to teach things to my parents. It's weird how everything goes in cycle. Just like when you first learn how to drive a car. Prior to an experience, you only think you know how something functions, but then you learn it and those first few hours, days, or months seem somewhat empowering. Eventually, everything fades and it becomes another mundane task.
I find it sad how much we have come to depend on technology though. I was behind the cell phone craze and text messaging craze in high school. I still don't really enjoy texting. Some of my friends rely on it so much, they no longer know how to have an actual phone conversation. I find it sad that personal connections are being lost. I still try to make an effort to call people. Hopefully, they enjoy the sound of my voice...